8th Grade Science Guide

8.1: Chemistry 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

magnifying glasses, goggles, test tubes, tea light candles, cotton swabs, bunsen burner

Activity: Elmer’s Glue Lab




● I can plan and conduct an investigation about changes in a substance’s

● Students will perform a scripted lab to make a

● Elmers Glue, Borax, Water ● Elmers Glue Reaction Lab

polymer from Elmer’s glue and borax solution. They will then select a variable to change and then plan and conduct the investigation to see how the properties further change based on that variable.

properties during a chemical reaction.

8.1.3 Phenomena Introduction: Reaction in a Bag




● Students watch the video clip, or watch a demonstration of the Reaction in a Bag. Students should make observations and draw a before and after picture. Students should list any evidence of properties changes and determine if a chemical change

● Lesson Plan ● Reaction in a Bag Video

● I can analyze and

interpret data to identify patterns in changes in a substances properties to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.

occurred and provide evidence for why they think that change occurred.

8.1.6 Phenomena: Reaction in a Closed System




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