8th Grade Science Guide

8.1: Chemistry 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

● I can differentiate

between an insulator and a conductor.

Activity: Materials Design Testing Lab




● I can design, construct and test a device that will affect the rate of a phase change and compare competing devices to improve performance. ● I can defne and model energy transfer (conduction, convection, radiation). ● I can differentiate between an insulator and a conductor. and test a device that will affect the rate of a phase change and compare competing devices to improve performance. ● I can defne and model energy transfer (conduction, convection, radiation). ● I can differentiate between an insulator and a conductor. ● I can design, construct

● Explain that they are

● See pages 28-32 in this document for full description Save the Penguins Activity ● 3”x3” squares of construction paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, bubble wrap, foam, aluminized mylar, cork board, felt, newspaper, cotton balls

going to design and build an igloo that will keep a penguin shaped ice cube from melting. But frst, they will work as engineers to test the different materials provided to see which materials they may want to use in their igloo designs.

Activity: Igloo Design




● Based on their testing of materials, students now design their proposed igloos.

● Price sheet ● data from material testing lab.

Activity: Igloo Construction




● I can design, construct

● Students now construct their igloos.

● same materials from

and test a device that will

materials testing inquiry

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