8th Grade Science Guide
8.1: Chemistry 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 2
CSD Storyline
8.1.1 Phenomena Introduction: Electrolysis
● Students will observe two processes where matter appears to change from liquid to solid with evaporation and then from liquid to gases through electrolysis. They will record observations and make explanations. demonstrate evaporation of water from a solution of salt and water-- seeing how one thing can be separated into two with no explanation or show a video of this process. Students record their observations and make explanations. ● Then, the teacher will do a demonstration of electrolysis, separating hydrogen and oxygen gas from water with little to no explanation. Students will write their observations and make explanations of what they are seeing. ● Alternatively, students could build a simple ● The teacher will
● salt, water, pan/container, heat source, student sheet ● salt/water evaporation video ● Electrolysis Set Up Video ● Water, plastic container, thumb tacks, 9V batteries, test tubes, baking soda, student sheet ● Student worksheet for evaporation and electrolysis phenomenon
● I can make observations and inferences based on a phenomena.
● Electrolysis of Water Explained ● Electrolysis Home Science
electrolysis contraption and run the experiment themselves. They could make observations and explanations. Student sheet is in the materials below.
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