8th Grade Science Guide

8.1: Chemistry 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

STANDARD ● 8.1.3 Plan and conduct an investigation and then analyze and interpret the data to identify patterns in changes in a substance’s properties to determine whether a chemical reaction has occurred. Examples could include changes in properties such as color, density, fammability, odor, solubility, or state. (MS-PS1-2) ● 8.1.6 Develop a model to describe how the total number of atoms does not change in a chemical reaction, indicating that matter is conserved. Emphasize demonstrations of an understanding of the law of conservation of matter. (MS-PS1-5)



● Changes in a substance’s properties ● Chemical reaction ● Conservation of mass

● Plan and conduct ● Investigate ● Analyze ● Interpret data ● Develop a model


● Substances react chemically in specifc ways. ● In a chemical reaction, atoms that make up a substance are regrouped into different modules ● These new substances have different properties from the original substance ● Some chemical reactions release energy, others store energy ● There are specifc ways to see chemical reactions, which include color change, fammability, odor, solubility, gas released, etc. ● When a chemical reaction occurs, matter is neither created or destroyed, but stays the same ● This principle is called the Law Conservation of Matter.


● Reactant ● Product ● Chemical reaction

● Dissolve ● React ● inference

● Chemical bond ● Particle ● Solution

POSSIBLE PHENOMENA ● When vinegar is put on the hard water crust on sink or shower faucets, the white crusties begin to bubble. ● There is a temperature change when vinegar and baking soda are combined. ● A shovel left outside for a while rusts. ● The ice patch on your sidewalk turns into water during the day but back to ice at night.


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