8th Grade Science Guide

8.2: Physics 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 1

● Students read section 8.2.2 from the Utah OER textbook to gather information that will help support their claim about the phenomena.

● OER Textbook

● I can explain how energy varies as distance within a system changes.

Formative Assessment: SEEd 8.2.2 Formative Assessment

Phenomena Assessment: Bouncing Balls




● I can ask questions about the amount of potential energy related to distance. ● I can develop and conduct an investigation to measure the potential energy of an object that falls/rolls from many different heights (think of elastic potential energy).

● Revisit the Ball Bounce option you chose with students. ● Allow students to write a claim about what happens in the demonstration and support it with evidence from text and lab experiences.

● Option 1: a ball to bounce ● Option 2 video ● CER Resources

8.2.3 Phenomena: Motion Transfers Energy




● Teacher selects one

● Ideas include the following: ● Avalanche

● I can evaluate the

strongest evidence to support the claim of the kinetic energy of an object changes as energy is transferred to or from the object.

example of kinetic energy being transferred to or

● Use a drill and wood drill into the wood and have the students notice the temperature change. ● Race Car (Thermal Image of Formula One Car) ● Pool balls ● Rubbing two blocks together ● Bicycle braking

from another object. Students propose an explanation.

Activity: Friction




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