7th Grade Science Guide
7.2: Changes to Earth 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 3
STANDARD 7.2.6 ● 7.2.6 Make an argument from evidence for how the geologic time scale shows the age and history of Earth . Emphasize scientifc evidence from rock strata, the fossil record, and the principles of relative dating, such as superposition, uniformitarianism and recognizing unconformities. (MS-ESS1-4)
● Geologic time scale ● History of Earth ● Rock strata ● Fossil record
● Make an argument from evidence
● Relative dating ● Superposition ● Uniformitarianism ● Recognizing unconformities
● Newer rock layers sit on top of older rock layers typically ● The fossil record can provide relative dates based on the appearance or disappearance of organisms ● Specifc major events can be used to indicate periods of time that occurred before a given event (extensive lava fow, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impact) ● Using a combination of rock layers, fossil record, and major geologic events, we can create a model for Earth’s history.
VOCABULARY ● Fossils ● Ancient
● Geology ● Geological ● Fault ● Fold ● Uplift ● Intrusion ● Cross-cutting
● Stratigraphy ● Relative Dating ● Sequence ● Superposition ● Uniformitarianism ● Unconformities
● Prehistoric ● Layer ● Formation ● Strata ● Mineral
POSSIBLE PHENOMENA ● Ogden Canyon near Ogden, Utah has very odd rock layering that appears to be standing on edge. ● The Arbuckle Mountains in South-Central Oklahoma were once islands. ● The fossil record in Utah contains many diverse marine fossils. ● There are many different rock layers exposed on the sides of the Grand Canyon.
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