7th Grade Science Guide
7.1: Field Forces 3 Dimensions & Progressions
Unit 2
STANDARD ● 7.1.5 Engage in argument from evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions within a system are attractive and dependent upon the masses of interacting objects . Examples of evidence for arguments could include mathematical data generated from various simulations. (MS-PS2-4)
● Gravitational interaction in a system ● Attraction depends on masses of interacting objects
● Engage in Argument ● Support a claim
● Objects all have mass ● Objects in the solar system have magnitude and direction ● Gravity acts on all objects and is an attractive force
● Systems of objects can be modeled as a set of masses interacting via gravitational force ● In systems of objects, larger masses experience and exert proportionally larger gravitational forces
● Orbit ● Magnitude ● Galaxy
● Solar System ● Satellite ● Attraction
● Force ● Mass ● Inertia
POSSIBLE PHENOMENA ● A year on Mars is twice as long as a year on Earth. ● According to NASA, it takes 1,607185 pounds of fuel to launch a space shuttle from Earth. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● I can use evidence to support the claim that gravitational forces are dependent upon the mass of the objects. ○ Nouns
● Use the Gravitational Force Gizmo help students see how mass of objects changes gravitational force. Students should make a model of gravitational force. ● Students could create a model and explain it, similar to the
Skill Building
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