7th Grade Science Guide

7.2: Changes to Earth 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 3

volcanoes, continental and ocean foor features and the distribution of rocks and fossils.

discuss how these maps help us determine plate boundaries.

Activity: Volcanoes & Earthquakes Explicit Instruction




● I can analyze and

● Students are taught explicitly about plate

● Volcanoes & EQ PPT

interpret data about patterns between plate tectonics and the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes, continental and ocean foor features and the distribution of rocks and fossils.

boundaries and types of volcanoes & earthquakes.

Activity: Continental Drift T-Chart - Ice Age




● I can analyze and

● Students watch a clip from Ice Age Continental Drift and make a T-chart about the correct and incorrect theories/processes behind Earth’s interior.

● Ice Age Continental Drift VideoClip

interpret data about patterns between plate tectonics and the occurrence of earthquakes and

volcanoes, continental and ocean foor features and the distribution of rocks and fossils. ● I can develop and use a scale model of the matter in Earth’s interior to demonstrate how differences in density and

chemical composition cause the formation of the crust, mantle, and core.

Activity: Divergent Plate Boundaries

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