7th Grade Science Guide

7.1: Field Forces 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

STANDARD 7.1.4 ● Collect and analyze data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces . Examples could include electromagnets, electric motors, or generators. Examples of data could include the effect of the number of turns of wire on the strength of an electromagnet, or of increasing the number or strength of magnets on the speed of an electric motor. (MS-PS2-3)



● Strength of electric forces ● Strength of magnetic forces ● Electromagnets

● Collect and analyze data


● Magnets produce a magnetic feld ● Magnets have poles ● Similar poles repulse each other, opposite poles attract each other ● Magnets can be made stronger when paired with electricity ● Electricity is the movement of molecules

● There is attraction or repulsion between charged objects that cause the movement ● Electrical force felds look a little different than magnetic felds, but still exist


● Attraction ● Charge ● Conductor

● Electric charge ● Electric feld ● Electromagnet

● Magnetic Field ● Repulsion

POSSIBLE PHENOMENA ● A fashlight can produce light from muscle power. ● A compass does not work well when placed near an electric wire. ● You can turn a nail into a magnet by wrapping a wire around it and connecting the wire to a battery. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● I can design an experiment to collect data about the strength of regular magnets vs. electromagnets. ○ Language Supports ■ Nouns to support (hypothesis, procedure, materials, independent variable, dependent variable) ■ Sentence Stems to support conclusions (see CER supports)

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