6th Grade Science Guide

Unit 4 6.3 Weather & Climate 3 Dimensions & Progressions


6.3.4 Construct an explanation supported by evidence for how the natural greenhouse effect maintains Earth’s energy balance and a relatively constant temperature . Emphasize how the natural greenhouse effect is necessary for maintaining life on Earth. Examples could include comparisons between Earth and the moon or other planets.



● Natural Greenhouse Effect ● Earth’s Energy Balance ● Relatively Constant temperature

● Construct ● Explain


● Find the temperature range for Earth and several other planets ● Understand that stability of temperature allows for life on Earth ● Earth’s atmosphere is the reason for the stability in temperature ● Greenhouse gasses which make up the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect creating stability ● Greenhouse emissions since the industrial revolution have let to increased global temperatures as more heat is trapped in the atmosphere.


● Greenhouse gas ● Atmosphere ● Emissions ● Industrial revolution

● Stability ● Solar Energy ● Solar Radiation ● Thermal Energy ● Radiation

● Atmosphere ● Surface temperature ● Carbon dioxide ● Nitrogen ● Water vapor ● Clouds ● Habitable

● Convection ● Conduction ● Energy

● Refect ● Absorb


● Venus’ average temperature is hotter than Mercury’s. ● Although Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. ● On Mercury, the temperature extremes range from -279°F at night to 801°F during the day, while on Earth the temperature extremes range from -129°F to 136°F. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● I can use evidence to explain how greenhouse gasses in Earth’s atmosphere affect its ability to sustain life.

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