6th Grade Science Guide

6.1.1: Moon & Seasons 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 1

● I can model the movement and relative position of Earth, the moon, and the sun.

● Students make a model showing why we have tides, and how eclipses are formed.

● Pg. 30-42 Interactive notebook ● Tide & Eclipses Presentation ● Solar and Lunar Eclipse Webquest

Activity: Solar & Lunar Eclipse Check for Understanding




● I can model the movement and relative position of Earth, the moon, and the sun.

● Check for understanding on solar and lunar eclipses.

● Pg. 43-46 Interactive Notebook

Activity: Black Women Who Helped the Race to the Moon




● I can describe how technology expands our understanding of space.

● Students read about women who helped change the space race.

● Reading: Black women who helped the race to the moon ● GIST Summary Protocol

Phenomena Assessment: Moon Phases Written CER




● I can explain patterns of changes in the appearance of the moon as it orbits Earth. ● I can model the movement and relative position of Earth, the moon, and the sun.

● Students watch the video clip of the moon throughout a month, and review their initial response at the beginning of the unit for the same task. Students are asked to edit their original response, or create a new response using information from texts, readings, interactive notebooks, etc.

● Moon Phase Video ● Worksheet ● CER Scaffold for Writing

Multiple Choice Assessment: Moon Phases

● 6.1.1 Formative Assessment (Moon Phases)

Phenomena: Seasons




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