Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Speaking and Listening 1

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions: ● To actively engage in conversations and collaborations on various topics, texts, and issues. ● To respond thoughtfully in democratic discussions, especially those involving decision-making and role-taking. ● To determine when additional information or research is required to enhance the depth of discussion. ● To actively participate in conversations by asking questions, responding to others, and considering a range of perspectives.

Participate e ff ectively in a range of conversations and collaborations on topics, texts, and issues. a. Respond thoughtfully in democratic discussions that involve decision-making and role-taking and determine if additional information or research is required to deepen the discussion. b. Participate in conversations by asking and responding to questions and provide the opportunity to consider a range of perspectives.

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

Success Criteria:

● Topic ● Issues ● Academic Discussion ● Information ● Research ● Perspectives

● Participate ● Respond ● Determine ● Question

● I can actively participate in conversations and collaborations on different topics, texts, and issues. ● I can respond thoughtfully in democratic discussions, especially those involving decision-making and role-taking. ● I can determine when additional information or research is needed to deepen the discussion. ● I can actively engage in conversations by asking questions, responding to others, and considering multiple perspectives.


Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Discussion

● How can you contribute effectively to conversations on various topics and issues? ● What strategies can you use to respond thoughtfully in democratic discussions? ● When do you think additional information or research is necessary to deepen a conversation? ● What questions can you ask to encourage others to consider different perspectives?

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 150

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