Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Discussion

● What is the main topic of your text? How do you introduce it to your audience? ● How have you organized your ideas and information into broader categories?

● What formatting, graphics, or multimedia have you used to enhance your text? How do they contribute to your explanation? ● What relevant facts, defnitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples have you included to develop your topic? ● How have you used transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among your ideas? ● What precise language and content-specifc vocabulary have you used to inform about or explain your topic? ● How have you ensured that your conventions and style are appropriate for your audience, purpose, and task?

Sample Formative Assessments

Draft Review and Refection

● Activity: Students write a frst draft of their text and then write a short refection on what they think works well and what they need to improve.

● Objective: To encourage self-assessment and revision.

Fact vs. Opinion Sorting

● Activity: Students sort a list of statements into facts and opinions, then explain how they will use factual information in their text.

● Objective: To distinguish between factual information and opinions and use facts to support their writing.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 145

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