Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Reading 12

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions:

Compare a text to another text in a di ff erent medium about the same topic and evaluate the impact of the di ff erences on the audience. (RL & RI)

● Students will compare a text to another text in a different medium on the same topic. ● Students will evaluate how the differences between the two texts impact the audience. Success Criteria: ● I can identify and compare key elements of a text and a different medium on the same topic. ● I can evaluate how the differences in presentation between the two mediums affect the audience's understanding and engagement.

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

● Medium ● Topic ● Differences ● Audience

● Compare ● Evaluate

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment

● How does the presentation of the topic in the written text differ from its presentation in the other medium? ● What are the strengths and weaknesses of each medium in conveying the topic? ● How do the visual or auditory elements in the different medium impact your understanding of the topic compared to the written text? ● In what ways do the differences in medium change your perception of the topic? ● Can you identify any bias or perspective that is more evident in one medium compared to the other? ● How does each medium appeal to the audience's emotions, logic, or ethics? ● What are some specifc examples from each medium that highlight the differences in their impact?

Sample Formative Assessments

Creative Reinterpretation

● Activity: Students reinterpret a written text into another medium and refect on the changes in audience impact. ● Objective: To assess students' understanding of how medium infuences content and audience reception.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 137

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