Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Formative Assessments

1. Vocabulary Strategy Graphic Organizer (RL & RI)

● Activity: Students use a graphic organizer to record unknown or multiple-meaning words they encounter in a text. They identify and apply different strategies (context clues, word parts, reference materials) to determine or clarify the meanings of these words. ● Objective: To assess students' ability to use a range of strategies fexibly to understand the meanings of unknown and multiple-meaning words. 2. Reference Material Short-Answer Response (RL & RI) ● Activity: Students write a short-answer response detailing how they used reference materials to fnd the pronunciation, precise meaning, and part of speech of a challenging word from a text. They should explain why they chose specifc reference materials and how it helped them understand the word better. ● Objective: To evaluate students' skills in consulting appropriate reference materials and effectively using them to clarify word meanings and parts of speech.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 132

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