Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Reading 5

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions:

Cite textual evidence that supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RL & RI)

● To cite specifc textual evidence. ● To analyze what the text explicitly states. ● To draw inferences from the text. ● To support analyses and inferences with textual evidence. Success Criteria:

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

● Textual evidence ● Analysis ● Text ● Inference

● Cite ● Support ● Analyze

● I can cite specifc textual evidence to support my analysis of the text. ● I can explain what the text explicitly states. ● I can draw inferences from the text. ● I can use textual evidence to support both my explicit understanding and inferences.

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment

● "What specifc evidence from the text supports your analysis?" ● "Can you point out where in the text it explicitly states that?" ● "What inferences can you draw from this part of the text?" ● "How does the textual evidence support your inference?" ● "Can you explain how this evidence supports your understanding of the text?"

Sample Formative Assessments

Textual Evidence Graphic Organizer

● Activity: Students use a graphic organizer to list quotes or passages from the text alongside their analysis and the inferences they draw. They will then explain how each piece of textual evidence supports their analysis and inferences.

● Objective: To assess students' ability to identify and cite textual evidence, as well as to support their analysis and inferences with evidence.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 123

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