Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Grades 7-8, Unpacked ELA Standards These unpacked standards are meant to be a starting place for your PLCs to start designing formative and summative assessments. The unpacked standards are meant to be used as a resource and PLCs will need to consider their own students’ needs and point of mastery within each standard.

The unpacked standards will continue to be refned as we continue teaching and assessing using the new 2023 standards. For questions, or to share your good thinking, reach out to scott.christensen@canyonsdistrict.org


Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions: I am learning… Success Criteria: I know I’ll have it when… ● I can ●

Standard# Text of the standard. *text in blue indicates new elements for your current grade-level

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

All of the nouns in the standard will be listed here. These are the concepts that will need to be taught.

All of the verbs will be listed here. These are the skills that students should be able to do once they have mastered the standard.

Learning intentions and success criteria have been provided as examples, but teachers should consider what their students are learning for the lesson they are teaching.

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Assessment/Discussion

Question stems have been provided to aid teachers with targeting the essential learning of the standard. These can be used as writing or discussion prompts, or to help guide lesson planning or formative assessments.

Sample Formative Assessments

Activity: Objective:

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 120

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