Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Standard: Speaking and Listening 3

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Learning Intentions:

Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Use visual displays of data, including digital media, to convey information and engage the audience.

● Students will be able to develop skills in using appropriate language, grammar, organization, and delivery styles for different purposes and audiences. ● Students will be able to learn how to use visual displays of data, including digital media, to convey information and engage an audience effectively. Success Criteria: ● I can use appropriate language, grammar, organization, and delivery styles tailored to the purpose and audience in both formal and informal contexts. ● I can use visual displays of data, including digital media, to effectively convey information and engage my audience.

Nouns (Know)

Verbs (Do)

● Delivery styles ● Purpose ● Audience

● Convey ● Engage

● Formal contexts ● Informal contexts ● Visual displays of data ● Digital media ● Information ● Audience

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Discussion

● "What are the key differences between formal and informal communication styles?" ● "How does the purpose and audience infuence your choice of language and delivery style?" ● "Give an example of how visual displays of data can enhance a presentation?" ● "Why is it important to tailor your communication style to your audience?"

Sample Formative Assessments

Presentation Preparation Graphic Organizer ● Activity: Students use a graphic organizer to plan a presentation, outlining their use of appropriate language, grammar, organization, and delivery styles. They also plan their visual displays of data and how they will use digital media to convey information and engage the audience. ● Objective: To assess students' ability to plan and organize a presentation, ensuring they use appropriate language, grammar, and visual aids for their intended audience and purpose.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 118

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