Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Formative Assessments

Source Evaluation Exercise

● Activity: Students are given a list of sources related to a given topic. They evaluate each source for credibility, relevance, and reliability using a provided rubric or criteria. They then write a short refection on their fndings, discussing which sources they would use and why.

● Objective: To assess students' ability to critically evaluate sources and determine their suitability for use in a research project.

Collaborative Research Presentation

● Activity: Students work in small groups to prepare a brief presentation on their research fndings. Each group member presents a different aspect of the research, such as key arguments, supporting evidence, or potential counterarguments. Peers provide feedback on the clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of the presentation. ● Objective: To assess students' ability to collaborate effectively in presenting research fndings and to communicate their arguments clearly and persuasively to an audience.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 114

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