Middle School English Language Arts Instructional Guide

Sample Question Stems and Prompts for Discussion

● "How do you introduce a topic effectively in an informative/explanatory short-answer response?" ● "What strategies can you use to organize ideas and information in your response?" ● "Why is it important to use transitions in your writing?" ● "How do you ensure your language and style are appropriate for the audience and purpose?"

Sample Formative Assessments

Topic Exploration Graphic Organizer

● Activity: Students complete a graphic organizer where they brainstorm and organize ideas, facts, and examples related to a given topic. They then write a short-answer response based on the organizer.

● Objective: To assess students' ability to introduce a topic and organize ideas effectively in an informative/explanatory response.

Style and Conventions Checklist

● Activity: Students write a short-answer response and use a checklist to ensure they have used appropriate language, style, and conventions.

● Objective: To assess students' ability to use appropriate language and style for their audience and purpose.

Last Updated May 30th, 2024 Middle School ELA, Page 110

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