5th grade Instructional Guide

5th Grade Science/Social Studies/Keyboarding Block Year at a Glance 2024-2025

Wonders Unit

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Mar 10-Apr 24

Apr 25-May 30


Aug 19-Oct 4 Oct 7-Nov 20 Nov 21-Jan 22 Jan 23-Mar 7

Unit 1 Investigate Matter

Unit 5 Using Energy

Science SEEd Standards

Unit 3 Earth’s Interactive Systems

Unit 4Our Dynamic Earth

Unit 2 Ecosystems

CSD Science Presentations, Climate Action Kit Lessons & Integrated PBL Learning Opportunity Materials List, Phenomena Posters, Vocabulary Cards OER Textbook

SEEd Resources

Strand5: 20th Century to Now Strand6: Current National Issues and Potential Solutions

Strand1: Impact of

geography andHuman Interaction in North America Pre-Contact to Early Colonization

Strand 4: 19th Century: A

Social Studies Standards

Strand 2: Road to Self-Government

Strand 3: US Government and Citizenship

Time to Change

STEM/SS IIntegrated Place& Project Based Learning Opportunity

Sustained Practice Typing Jungle

Sustained Practice Typing Jungle

Sustained Practice Typing Jungle Practice Stories: -Eva& the Rabbit -Sam&Luna -The Beast of Camp Buckley

Practice Stories: -Eva& the Rabbit

Practice Stories: -Eva& the Rabbit

Typing Club canyonssd.typi ngclub.com Typing Club Course: -Typing Jungle

Sustained Practice

Typing Jungle

Keyboarding Standards

-Sam&Luna -The Beast of Camp Buckley Extensions: -Vocaband Spelling5 -Digital Citizenship 5

-Sam&Luna -The Beast of Camp Buckley Extensions: -Vocaband Spelling5 -Digital Citizenship 5

Keyboarding Assessment

Extensions: -Vocaband Spelling5 -Digital Citizenship 5

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