5th grade Instructional Guide

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

Strand: Writing (5.W) Standard 5.W.4 has opportunities across content areas for research. This standard is taught during the extended writing portion of the ELA curriculum. It is also part of the inquiry space found in the online portion of the curriculum. ● Standard 5.W.4: Conduct short research projects to craft an argument or answer a question. a. Gather, summarize, and paraphrase information and provide a list of relevant sources. Standard 5.W.5 is embedded across all work in ELA, this fluency can be built during process writing, or analytical writing as well as, notetaking and foundational skills. These practice opportunities show the stamina and automaticity for fluency. ● Standard 5.W.5: Fluently write in cursive and manuscript. b. Elaborate to demonstrate understanding of the topic under investigation. c. Interact and collaborate with others throughout the writing process.

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