5th grade Instructional Guide
5th Grade Wonders Narrative Rubric
Purpose, Focus, and Organization (4-point Rubric)
Evidence and Elaboration (4-point Rubric)
Conventions of Standard English (2-point Rubric)
● Stays somewhat focused on the purpose, audience, and task ● Presents a fictional or personal narrative in which the story is not clearly told from a first-, second-, or third-person point of view ● Develops an unclear or incomplete narrative, setting, and/or characters strategies, such as words and phrases, to connect ideas andevents ● May present a sequence of events that does not tell a complete story or includes an inadequate beginning and ending ● Is not aware of the purpose, audience, and task ● Does not present a fictional or personal narrative, and there is no narrator’s point of view ● Does not develop a narrative, setting, and/or characters ● Uses few or no transitional strategies, such as words and phrases, to connect ideas andevents ● Tells a confusing story with no sequence of events ● Uses few transitional
● Uses some dialogue and
● Has a sufficient
description, but some details are unclear
command of grammar andusage
● Uses weak or ineffective narrative techniques ● May use some sensory, concrete, and figurative
● Has a sufficient commandof capitalization,
punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation
language, but examples may be limited
● Has a few errors in grammar and usage that may affect meaning
● May use only simple sentence structures
● Uses little or no dialogue or description ● Uses few or no narrative techniques ● Has confusing, unclear, or no examples of sensory, concrete, and figurative language ● Includes only simple sentence structures
● Has an incomplete
command of grammar andusage
● Has an incomplete commandof capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation ● Has some errors in grammar and usage that may affect meaning
● Does not have a
command of grammar andusage
● Does not have a commandof capitalization,
punctuation, spelling, and sentence formation ● Has too many serious errors in grammar and usage that frequently disrupt meaning
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