5th grade Instructional Guide
5th Grade Wonders Expository Writing Rubric
Purpose, Focus, and Organization (4-point Rubric)
Evidence and Elaboration (4-point Rubric)
Conventions of Standard English (2-point Rubric)
● Stays focused on the purpose, audience, and task ● Clearly presents and fully develops the central idea about a topic ● Uses transitional strategies, such as words and phrases, to connect ideas structure to organize information ● Begins with a strong introduction and ends with a strong conclusion ● Generally stays focused on the purpose, audience, and task ● Presents and develops the central idea about a topic in a mostly clear and complete way, although there may be some unimportant details ● Uses some transitional strategies, such as the words and phrases, to connect ideas ● Uses a mostly logical text structure to organize information ● Begins with an acceptable introduction and ends with a sufficient conclusion ● Uses a logical text
● Effectively supports the central idea with convincing facts and details ● Has strong examples of relevant evidence, or supporting details, from multiple sources ● Uses elaborative techniques. ● Expresses interesting ideas clearly using precise language ● Uses appropriate academic and domain-specific language ● Uses different sentence structures ● Mostly supports the central idea with some convincing facts and details ● Has some examples of mostly relevant evidence, or supporting details, from multiple sources ● Uses some elaborative techniques. ● Generally expresses interesting ideas using both precise and general language academic and domain-specific language ● Mostly uses different sentence structures ● Mostly uses appropriate
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