4th grade Instructional Guide


Considerations for Educators —-------------------------- ● Plan and teach using the Utah Core Standards ● Use district-adopted curriculum to teach the Utah Core standards ● Set clear standards-based learning intentions and success criteria ● Use frequent, ongoing assessment of standards to drive daily instruction ● Provide opportunities for practice and extension based on formative assessment outcomes ● Communicate

The purpose of standards based reporting is to accurately communicate with parents and students the academic achievement, process of learning, and rate of progress towards mastering standards. It is intended to convey information about what students know and can do in regards to the reporting standards. Standards-based reporting communicates: ● Mastery of academic standards ● Growth over time toward mastery of grade level standards ● Learning skills development that support academic success Mastery of the standards is achieved when students adequately demonstrate the standard through multiple classroom assessments, assignments, and projects. The I-CANyon’s Student Report Card was developed through a committee made up of teachers, specialists, administrators and community members based on the works of Ken O’Conner and Tom Schimmer.

The report card consists of standards that students will be taught over the course of the school year. Not all standards will be reported; only standards that are critical to communicating levels of mastery to students and parents.

student progress toward mastery of grade-level standards

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