4th grade Instructional Guide

Center Options


Digital Centers from enVision 2020

● The following digital components from enVision 2020 could be utilized by students during math centers: Today’s Challenge, Game from the Game Center, Digital Math Tool Activities, Another Look video, Bounce Pages, Practice Buddy


● Stem Grant Program: Dreambox, ST Math, iReady ● Practice Buddy in to practice the skills with immediate feedback ● Students use appropriate technology to deepen their understanding of math


● Fluency is built on any skill that has been taught throughout the year ( e.g., previous instruction focused on fact families and pairs of students work together and to create fact families using number cards, including numbers 0-9. The student created fact families would be recorded on a piece of paper or graphic organizer.) ● Students are given a four square graphic organizer with a previously learned vocabulary word or concept in the middle of the graphic. The four areas to write could include any of the following: three words or pictures that help you remember the word, characteristics, non-example, example, a statement that is true about the word, three words related to the word, or a conclusion statement ● Students write a math practice standard in the middle of the four square and could add any of the following to the squares: characteristics of the MP, list what students do when they engage in the MP, write questions that you would ask your partner when you are focusing on the MP, six-word summary of the MP, etc. ● Students read or look at a book that relates to the current or past math concept. The teacher provides questions or sentence starters for the group at the center to support discussion after reading ● Students in small groups are presented with an application problem that requires reasoning, problem solving, and justification of their thought process by using words, pictures or equations ● Tasks are available at the following websites: http://www.insidemathematics.org https://tasks.illustrativemathematics.org/content-standards ● Students match previously taught vocabulary words with illustrations. After finding a match the student would define the word ● Students do a word sort with the enVision vocabulary cards ● Students find similarities and differences in words using a Venn Diagram ● At the end of each enVision 2.0 lesson in the Assess and Differentiate section are the On-Level and Advanced Center Activities which include: Center Games, Problem-Solving Reading Mat, Math and Science Activity (if printed from prior program they could be used as they are not available in enVision 2020) http://illuminations.nctm.org https://www.openmiddle.com ● Students manipulate math tools to complete a grade level task ● Students write or draw in math journals to summarize their learning ● Students review their notes and star key ideas

Four-Square Math

Literature in Math

Manipulatives Math Journals

Problem-Solving using DOK 3


Center Activities from enVision 2.0

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