2nd grade Instructional Guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
analysis. When comparing primary and secondary sources, look to science and social studies curriculum to support additional sources. The scope and sequence provides instruction with this standard in all units. RL: The text sets, flm clips and offer different presentations of same time periods or events. RI: Text features such as graphics, illustrations, tables, side-bars are available to support details in text sets. The scope and sequence provides instruction with this standard in all units. Argumentative and explanatory resources are in the text sets as well as the extended writing in the ELA curriculum. Explicit lessons on how to identify the claims and evidence in the text are found in the extended writing.
Standard 2.R13: Not applicable forRL. Explain how specifc points an author or illustrator makes in a text are supported by relevant reasons and evidence. (RI) Standard 2.R.14: Compare two or more versions of the same text from different cultures and the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. (RL&RI)
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