2nd grade Instructional Guide

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

along with silent letters kn-, -lm, -mb, gh-, and wr-. i. Read and spell words with the following diphthongs and vowels (i.e., oi, oy; ou, ow; au, aw; oo, u). j. Read and spell words with phonograms (i.e., -old, -ild, -ost, -olt, -ind). k. Read and spell common irregular words.

Standards R.4-R.14: Close reading allows for spiraling of these standards within the grade-level Lexile band. Data collection is required to determine student mastery. Data samples include: Reading Writing Companion (RWC), analytical respond to reading, decodable reading of texts, digital and paper assessments, observations, exit tickets, oral responses etc. ● If a student requires signifcant teacher/or peer support to perform the tasks associated with the standard, then the student would achieve a 1 ● If a student is inconsistent in their skills and at time requires teacher or per prompting to read and comprehend a grade-level text then the student would receive a 2 ● If a student is able to read and comprehend grade-level text with the appropriate text complexity band and requires no support to do so, then the student would achieve a 3.

* Lexile band of 450-790.

Standard 2.R.4: Read grade-level text* with accuracy and fuency to support comprehension. (RL & RI)

The scope and sequence provides instruction with this standard in all units. Students read text everyday within the text complexity Lexile band of 450-790. Easier texts can be used that require background knowledge, challenging sentence structure (syntax) or read for new purposes. Fluency Guidelines: To determine fuent reading and accuracy, consider Acadience benchmarks and/or progress monitoring, 95 Phonics Core Program (PCP student work), Phonics screeners for intervention (PSI) and daily student work tasks and assessments. The scope and sequence provides instruction with this standard in all units Students use text as evidence to answer questions, construct arguments, narrate or explain details in a text. Using the ELA curriculum, students are constantly moving through text daily, citing evidence and inferences with each text set as the teacher asks the questions during close reading. The scope and sequence provides instruction with this standard in all units The text sets within the provided curriculum support diversity. Every day students have opportunities to summarize text using key details, determine purposes and main ideas of text.

Standard 2.R.5: Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. (RL & RI)

Standard 2.R.6: Read a variety of texts including those from diverse cultures, retell the narrative (RL) or informational text (RI) according to the text structure including the main idea.

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