12th grade ELA

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

BEST PRACTICES FOR DIGITAL TEACHING AND LEARNING “As technology continues to evolve, the conversation must remain focused on learning and pedagogy -- not devices.” (Sheninger & Murray, 2017) In Canyons School District, we believe that all stakeholders benefit from digital teaching and learning (DT&L), or the innovative use of technology in schools and classrooms to support student achievement. DT&L empowers teachers, students, and other stakeholders to gain the knowledge and skills needed to adapt, create, consume, and connect with the broader world in preparation for meaningful life opportunities. Although the availability of educational technology tools is ever-expanding, “digital [teaching and learning] is not about flashy tools; it is a strategic mindset that leverages available resources to improve what we do while anticipating changes needed to cultivate a school culture focused on efficacy” (Sheninger, 2019).

Teaching with technology is about creating new opportunities to reach all students using the tried-and-true pedagogical strategies already practiced within Canyons School District. Our commitment to the Canyons School District community is to ensure that the primary focus of digital teaching and learning continues to support learning and student achievement, and not the technology tools.

We achieve this through the application of our Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning, which have been built to support our district’s MTSS Academic Framework and Academic & Behavioral Instructional Priorities.

Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning Explained

The video provided on this page was recorded during the 2020 Tech Summit and provides a brief introduction to the Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning. This explanation includes insight into why and how they were developed, and how they support the district’s MTSS Academic Framework and Academic & Behavioral Instructional Priorities.

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