12th grade ELA
challenging passages relate to the whole passage when the function is subtle how one or more sentences in more challenging passages relate to the whole passage. TST 503 & 504. Infer the function of paragraphs in somewhat challengingpassages and identifyaclear functionof paragraphs in more challengingpassages. TST 505. Analyze the overall structure of more challenging Passages. PPV 501 & 502. Infer a purpose in somewhat challenging passages and identify a clear purpose of more challenging passages and how that purpose shapes content and style. PPV 503. Understand point of view in more challenging passages. SYN501. Draw logical conclusions using information from two informational texts
CC.9-10.R.I.6 Craft and Structure: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. CC.9-10.R.I.7IntegrationofKnowledge andIdeas: Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account. CC.9-10.R.I.8 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.
ARG 501. Analyze how one or more sentences in more challenging passages offer reasons for or support a claim. ARG 502 & 503. Infer a central claim in somewhat challenging passages and identify a clear central claim in more challenging passages.
R.I 9 CC.9-10.R.I.9 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s "Letter From Birmingham Jail"), including how they address related themes and concepts. R.I 10 CC.9-10.R.I.10 Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. REL502&503. Understand implied or subtly statedcomparative relationships in somewhat challenging passages and identify clear comparative relationships in more challengingpassages. REL504&506. Understand impliedor subtly statedcause-effect relationships in somewhat challenging passages and identify clear cause-effect relationships in more challenging passages. Writing 9 th and 10 th Grade Standards W 1
CC.9-10.W.1 Text Types and Purposes: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
EXJ401. Showclearunderstandingof thepersuasivepurposeof the task by taking a position on the issue in the prompt and offering some context fordiscussion EXJ 402. Generate reasons for a position that are relevant and clear; show some recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt by a) acknowledging implications and/or complications of the issue, and/or b) providing some response to counterarguments to the writer’s position FOC 401. Maintain a focus on the specific issue in the prompt throughout most of theessay FOC 402. Present a thesis that establishes focus on the topic DEV 401. Provide adequate development in support of ideas;
Courtesy of Bruce Eschler, CCHS
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