12th grade ELA


Students write a question that allows in depth research. ● Identify the significance (so what?) of the question. ● Possible text types: argument, problem-solution, cause-effect, informational/significance.

3. Students write a rationale for the significance of the research paper they intend to write.

4. Students conduct research using library databases and other credible online sources to find information that will help them answer their research question.

5. Students write an annotated bibliography for their research sources (instructions included below).

6. Students answer their main research question in a well-written claim.

7. Students write a paper which synthesizes research on their important issue/question.

8. Students and/or teachers select a method to present students’ research papers and supplement their paper with persuasive visuals, multimedia, or multi-genres that contribute to the purpose of the piece. Options include but are not limited to: a. Websites (Weebly, Google Sites, Wix, Blendspace, etc.) b. Portfolio c. Artifacts that relates to the audience, purpose, and task d. Visual enhancement of the rhetorical situation e. Other mindful additions to the audience, purpose and task 9. Using their presentation materials (from #7), students create and deliver a polished oral presentation of their research question. a. Ted Talks b. Library Presentations c. Small-group Presentations d. Science Fair Presentations 10. NOTE ​ : Teachers may choose to supplement this process by adding ​ optional ​ additional or creative requirements such as a service learning component, a personal interview requirement, an authentic presentation to a school or community leader, or other.

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