1st Grade Instructional Guide
What’s New and Updated in Elementary ELA
What’sNew This section contains a listing of pages in the map that are new this year. Link Description
ELA Resources Routines are embedded with a visual to links outside the grade-level guide.
Core Guides Added to the resources page and standards page for USBE explanation, vertical alignment and clarity of the ELA standards.
All Things Acadience
ALO jumpage for training and supports to help with training and reading reports.
What’s Updated This section contains a listing of pages in the page that have received substantial content updates for this year. Link Description
Scope and Sequence
Dates and Pacing is aligned to new calendars
24-25 Policy changes and highlights
Writing Rubrics
Updates to the rubrics to align to Wonders and Utah Core
Digital Text Resources
Vetted to maintain a free account version, teachers responsible as a selected resource for content.
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