1st Grade Instructional Guide


belt line down below foot line, curve back, dot

Group 4: Letters with slanted lines (diagonals) beginning at the belt line


slant down and forward, slant up and forward


slant down and up, down and up


slant down and forward; slant down and back


slant down and forward, slant back below the foot line

Group 5: Letters with horizontal lines


straight across, back around leave open


straight across, slant down and back, straight across

Group 6: Letter with a scoop

u down, scoop up, down Adapted from: Louisa Moats, 2009; Teaching Beginning Spelling and Writing Numbers: Number Writing Cues

“Straight line down is fun. That’s the way we make a one.”


2 “Around and back and a straight line will do. That’s the way we make a two.”


“Hug a tree and hug a tree. That’s the way we make a three.”

4 “Down and over and down once more. That’s the way we make a four.”

5 “Straight back and down and a half-circle dive. That’s the way we make a fve.”

6 “Circle down and around like you’re going to mix. That’s the way we make a six.”

7 “Across the sky, slant down from heaven, that’s the way we make a seven.”

8 “Make an s. Then slant back up and close the gate. That’s the way we make an eight.”


“Make a circle, then a line. That’s the way we make a nine.”


“Circle round like a hero. That’s the way we make a zero.”

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