1st Grade Instructional Guide

Narrative Writing Rubric 1 st Grade


Statement of Purpose / Focus and Organization (3-point rubric)

Conventions/Editing (3-point rubric)

The response adequately ●

The response demonstrates command of the conventions ● Capitalize the frst word in a sentence and the pronoun “ I.” ● Use common nouns, verbs, and prepositions. ● Distinguish between common and proper nouns and capitalize appropriately. ● Use singular and plural nouns matching verbs ● Use personal, possessive and indefnite pronouns ● Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future ● Use common adjectives, conjunctions and determiners ● Use end punctuation for sentences ● Use punctuation to separate items in a series The response demonstrates partial command of the conventions ● Capitalize the frst word in a sentence and the pronoun “ I.” ● Use common nouns, verbs, and prepositions. ● Distinguish between common and proper nouns and capitalize appropriately. ● Use singular and plural nouns matching verbs ● Use personal, possessive and indefnite pronouns ● Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future ● Use common adjectives, conjunctions and determiners ● Use end punctuation for sentences ● Use punctuation to separate items in a series

Retells events in sequential order

● ●

Provides details

Provides a concluding statement


The response is: ●

Unclear retelling in a sequence Contains Irrelevant details Minimal concluding statement

● ●


The response has: ●

The response demonstrates minimal command of conventions:

Inaccurate retelling No details (reasons)

Errors in usage may obscure meaning

● ●

● Inconsistent use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling

No concluding statement



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