1st Grade Instructional Guide

1st Grade Scope & Sequence

Instructional Materials: Wonders Text Set 5 STANDARDS


● Standard 1.R.10: Identify a variety of texts and explain the differences between literary texts and informational texts. (RL & RI) ● Standard 1.W.4: Participate in shared research and writing projects.


● Text Features: Captions


Embedded standards: 1.R.5, 1.R.8, 1.R.9, SL 1-3

● Write About the Text

Essential Question

Why do we celebrate holidays?


design display pride purpose represent

Essentials Title Interactive Read Aloud N/A Shared Read

“Celebrate the Flag” Genre: Informational Text

Anchor Text

“Share the Harvest and Give Thanks” Genre: Informational Text Lexile: 650L Write About the Shared Read Time for Kids: Happy Birthday, U.S.A.! Genre: Informational Text Lexile: 490L Write About the Anchor Text

Paired Reading

Special Education Connection: Wonderworks ● Genre Read-Aloud Anthology: “A Tasty Family Tradition” (Lexile: 500)

● Decodable Reader: “Scrubbing Cars Clean” ● Practice Decodable Reader: “In the Spring” ● Writing: Write letters and words. Write about text

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