11th ELA

District Wide Standards Based Assessment Synthesis Rubric Grade 11



4.0 pts Attends to the norms and conventions of the writing task

3.0 pts Somewhat attends to the norms and conventions of the writing task 3.0 pts Introduces a general claim 3.0 pts Develops claim and supplies relevant evidence 3.0 pts Establishes relationships between claim, reasons, and evidence 3.0 pts Consistently and competently cites sources according to a standard citation format 3.0 pts Synthesizes important details from multiple sources

2.0 pts Seldom attends to the norms of the writing task

1.0 pts Attempts to attend to the norms of the writing task

Command of Language Mastery: 3.0 pts

Controlling Idea

4.0 pts Introduces a precise claim

2.0 pts Introduces a somewhat unclear claim 2.0 pts Somewhat develops claim and attempts to supply evidence 2.0 pts Establishes some relationships between claim, reasons, and evidence 2.0 pts Somewhat provides citation for sources, but is inconsistent or inaccurate 2.0 pts Somewhat synthesizes details from multiple sources

1.0 pts Attempts to introduce a claim

Mastery: 3.0 pts


4.0 pts Fully develops claim and supplies relevant evidence

1.0 pts Attempts to develop claim and attempts to supply evidence 1.0 pts Attempts to establish some relationships between claim, reasons, and evidence 1.0 pts Attempts to provide citation for sources

Mastery: 3.0 pts


4.0 pts Establishes clear relationships between claim, reasons, and evidence

Mastery: 3.0 pts

Research and Citation

4.0 pts Expertly cites sources using a variety of in-text and parenthetical strategies 4.0 pts Accurately and effectively synthesizes details from multiple sources

Mastery: 3.0 pts

Synthesis of Sources

1.0 pts Attempts to synthesize details from multiple sources

Mastery: 3.0 pts

Total Points: 24


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